Friday, December 24, 2010

charlie brown Christmas

Thursday, December 23, 2010

so tired...

So I was completely exhausted last night coming home from work. I started to put a couple things away around the house but was so tired that I just went straight to bed instead. This afternoon I found my missing my jewelry box.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Keeping the 'Christ' in Christmas. No 'happy holidays' here!


Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas party

So last Thursday I helped out with my little Kenz preschool
Christmas party. It was a blast! I brought Christmas cookies
and a 4 foot inflatable snowman bean bag toss, which happened
to be a blast!
While driving home after the party I asked Kenz "So what was
your favorite part of the entire party?"
Kenz says "You mom!"
My heart melted!
She then followed that adorably sweet statement with...
"Well, you did bring the cookies, you know."
All I could do was laugh, cause I know what she really meant.


Monday, December 13, 2010

10 mommy must-haves for Christmas 2010

1. A full night's sleep-as in wake up on my own, without an alarm clock, kids, or demands to sound my good morning. I could wake up as I wish and leisurely work my way out of bed.

2. A mute button-for the whining, complaining and screaming.

3. Endless patience-enough said.

4. Worry eraser-a mental eraser that keeps things in perspective and stops those "what ifs?"

5. Cloning power-to get more done, to not miss anything (good or bad) that my kids do, to not have to choose between which kids event I make and which one I miss, etc.

6. Self-cleaning house-like an oven, turn it on, leave the house, come home and put it back to work.

7. Tones abs-you know, without doing 1000 sit-ups a day or skipping out on dessert.

8. Magic hair-you roll out of bed, and it still looks good!

9. Wash, dry, fold/hang up and put away machine-seriously, how has this not been invented yet?

10. Calorie sucker-it pulls all the calories out of your favorite foods but keeps the flavor.

(Posted by I-MOM)


Thursday, December 9, 2010

So I ask my son to hang up a couple shirts in his closet for me yesterday. I went into his room today to hang up a couple more shirts and this is what I find. Yes, those shirts that he helped me with are knotted on the hangers. I love it!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

michigan weather

I cannot believe it's almost December and it hasn't snowed yet!
Michigan might have one of the coldest and hardest winters but
it it probably the most beautiful state.

I love spring when the tulips come up. Hollands Tulip Time!

Summer is my favorite! I love going to the beach with my family.

The leaves changing colors is amazing during the fall.

And here we are at December, snow coming any day now.
I'm not looking forward to scraping my windshield and shoveling
my driveway, however I love how the white snow blankets
outside making everything look so clean and bright.

Michigan is really an amazing place to live!